In Memory of Sosai Oyama 1923 -1994 |
Welcome to the Home Page of Kyokushin Karate Africa. This karate Organisation is led by karate Shihan Neville Paulsen, a long time practitioner of the late Karate Grandmaster, Sosai Mas Oyama’s Kyokushin Karate Style.
Shihan Paulsen is assisted by Sensei Abubakr Petersen.
The Kyokushin Africa Organisation based in Cape Town, South Africa and led by Shihan Neville Paulsen, teaches traditional kyokushin karate based on the principles and ethics set down by the founder of the system Sosai Mas Oyama.
Web site designed and maintained by © AshiharaOnline September 2008 - 2014
Classes now at
Boys Scout Hall Cecil Road, Plumstead Wednesdays: 6.00-8.00pm Saturdays - 10-12.30pm Call Sensei Abubakr Petersen 082 931 9623
Sonskyn Creche Soekmekaar Street, Macassar Saturdays - 4-5.30pm Call Shihan Neville Paulsen 021 712 4855





