In Memory of Sosai Oyama 1923 -1994 |
On August 8, 2009 - we entered the 20th Annual Ashihara Karate Invitational Championships & Sabaki Challenge Championships held in Strandfontein, Cape.
We entered 4 students in total with 3 managing to place. As a new dojo, the 3 entries from Ottery enjoyed themselves and now parents and students are wanting more.
Line-up of Instructors: Shihan Paulsen (2nd from Left) |
Sensei Abubakr - Shinpan (Referee) |
Referee Sensei Abubakr - Lionel (aka) . |
Senpai Lionel Booysen (2nd Men’s Open Clicker Kumite) |
Uthmaan Al-Gakeem Francis (2nd Boys Clicker Kumite 6 yrs Division) |
Warda Francis (3rd Girls Clicker Kumite 9 yrs Division) |
Web site designed and maintained by © AshiharaOnline September 2008 - 2014
Classes now at
Wynberg Youth Centre Innes Road, Wynberg Tuesdays: 7.00- 9.00pm Saturdays - 11am - 1.30pm Call Sensei Abubakr Petersen 082 931 9623
Sonskyn Creche Soekmekaar Street, Macassar Saturdays - 4-5.30pm Call Shihan Neville Paulsen 021 712 4855
Sports Hall Beverley Street, Eerste River Tues/Thurdays - 6 - 7.00pm Call Shihan Neville Paulsen 021 712 4855





